Yvette Hutchinson is the Education Policy and Engagement Adviser for the British Council, leads on the educational content for the International School Award, and manages its monitoring and evaluation. She leads policy dialogues with education ministries, leads study visits for overseas policy makers and senior leaders and is part of the team responsible for the Education World Forum.
She spent the first years of her career teaching...
Christopher Plant is an entrepreneur who specialises in providing marketing, advertising and business solutions. Born in the UK, where he studied design, Christopher has been based in Bratislava, Slovakia, for eight years, following 15 years in Munich, Germany, serving many high-level clients such as the United Nations, the European Patent Office, Hewlett Packard and McDonalds.
His experience in many different areas of business has enabled Chris...
Mike graduated from the University of Bradford in 1984. After teaching English in Spain and Japan he joined the British Council in 1990 and since then has worked for the organisation in Hong Kong, Portugal, UK, Japan, India, and Austria. He took a year out in 1995 to do an MBA at Lancaster University. Mike is currently based in Spain, where he's the IELTS Business Development Manager for Europe.
David Graddol is Director of The English Company (UK) Ltd which provides consultancy and publishing services in applied linguistics, with a special focus on English language and education policy. The role of English in a multilingual Europe has long been a special research interest: David has made keynote contributions to policy forums in several European countries and he will be a plenary speaker at the 5th ALTE International Conference in...
James Easton is the Senior Teacher for the British Council in Bratislava, Slovakia.
He has a PGCE (TEFL) from Barcelona and a Postgraduate in TESOL from Sheffield Hallam University. He is an experienced teacher and has taught in Spain, Italy, Hong Kong, the UK and is currently teaching in Bratislava. His current interests are in helping teachers: develop professionally; develop their teaching skills; use learning technologies effectively and...
President of Association of Project InfoAge
Director for HE, Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic
Prof. RNDr. Libor Vozár, CSc. graduated at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Comenius University inBratislava in 1984. In 2002 he was appointed professor of Solid State Physics by Faculty of Electronics and Informatics, Slovak Technical University in Bratislava, Slovakia. He is the Rector of Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia...
Lucia Kleštincová graduated with honours from Faculty of International Relations at the University of Economics in Bratislava. In 2010, Lucia accomplished her MSc in Public Management and Governance at London School of Economics and Political Science.
Since then she has worked as public affairs and business consultant at an IT company PosAm, focusing in particular on software development for public sector clients (e.g. application for...